Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Hello, Twenty Twenty-Phour!

Hey there, Phin phans! Dustin here, just checking in with a super brief post for January. Let's gooooo!

Milestones & Memories
Phin had his 100th day of first grade this month! It occurred to Neesha that, barring catastrophe, this will be the first time ever that Phin has a regular, uninterrupted school year. We're really hoping to be able to report that milestone come June. 

Medical Updates
Nothing new to report, but stay tuned. Phin goes in for his now every-four-months clinic visit next week, and we should have some numbers to discuss after that. As anybody who's in remission from any kind of cancer will tell you, there's some apprehension around a checkup like this one. It's been a while since we got a peek into what's happening in his blood, and without the reassurances of the clean monthly or bimonthly lab results to calm us down, we're a little on edge. He's looking kind of pale, we'll say. Then again, it's the dead of winter. 

Here's a little checklist we sometimes use when we start to freak out:

Appetite: hearty
Behavior: kind of all over the place, but then again he's six
Bleeding when he gets a scrape or cut: not a geyser
Bruises: nothing big and they go away quickly
Energy levels: off the charts, as per usual
Skin tone: kind of pale, but not jaundiced
Sleep: pretty okay

Phin's oncologist told us to always look at the whole picture. It's really easy to hit the panic button when something seems off, especially since we missed it the first time. When we look at everything together, though, we can usually reassure ourselves that his remission is holding. 

Phin On the Daily
This month, Phin started taking ice skating lessons. He's super into it and showing improvement. He loves the class and loves being on the ice!

That's all for now. Thanks, Phin phans. More soon. 

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