Wednesday, October 5, 2022

An EventPhul Day

Hello Phin Phans! I’m Phin’s sister, and I will be telling you about this eventful day. 

So today we all had to get up around 7:30 because Phin had to get blood drawn. The doctors checked him out and thankfully everything was normal. Phin had been talking about this blood draw for weeks, but when the real event came crawling around the corner he wasn’t entirely ready. He kept trying to avoid it, but was conflicted. With an iPad and nurses, eventually, he got the blood draw and got Baker's Pride donuts and a unicorn stuffy. The doctor said Phin wouldn’t have to go back for a month. 

Before we left, the doctor recommended a flu and covid shot. Of course, neither Phin nor we wanted to stay there, so we left. 

Sometime in the afternoon, the results from Phin’s bloodwork came in. Everything looks good!

A few hours later, my parents decided to get the covid and flu shots over with. We went to the pediatrician and got the shots. 

As expected, he was not amused.

All of us were sad. We hated to see Phin or anybody upset. After the shots, he was given two blue Ring Pops, which he decided to eat at the same time. 

As for me, I had a cross country meet. (Go TIMA tides!) I did come in faster, but I still need to work on pacing myself. 

Later that night, my sister and I had to go to a Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer audition. Still 

waiting on the cast list, but I'm really excited for the results. We didn't take both of our cars to the audition, just one, so Phin and my dad had to stay in the car for an hour and a half. When I got back in the car, Phin was asleep. I'm still a bit sad, but also happy because now he is mostly protected.

At the end of the day we were all tired–especially Phin. 

Thanks for reading this blog post!


  1. Thanks so much for the update, Ob! We are all pulling for ALL of y'all! Great job on your meet, and can't wait to hear about the play casting. I BET you it's good news when you hear back!!

  2. I have no idea why but I woke up this morning going, "I wrote Ob instead of Av in that comment yesterday, didn't I??" LOL. Sorry, sweet Avonlie!

  3. There is a young author in DA HOUSE!


Snow Day!

  Phin was only half a year old the last time our coastal Georgia town saw snow, and few could remember a time it had snowed before then. Wh...