Thursday, April 7, 2022

Phintastic News!

Quick medical update on Phin: He had his lumbar puncture (aka spinal tap) on Tuesday, Day 8 of chemotherapy. The results popped up in our MyChart app that night but we had to sweat it out til morning, being unable to interpret them ourselves. (Note to self: become fluent in the language of lab result abbreviations and jargon.) The news is good. His results show that his spinal fluid is clear of cancerous cells. I repeat: NO cancer in Phin's spinal fluid.Whew, amIright???

It's a small buoy of relief in a sea of cancerous treachery, but it does have the effect of feeling like we've been thrown a life jacket. We swim slowly, steadily on.Thank you for your prayers and good vibes and all the other positivity you're putting out into the world for our boy. I leave you with a photo of Phin from last night...

Photo of Phin in his new leopard pjs with his giant box
of goldfish and several animal friends: sloth, hyena,
two cougars, a rendition of our doggie Sundae and hyena.



  1. Great news! Phin phans will continue to pray! ❤️πŸ™πŸ»

  2. We will definitely take that victory and welcome the many more that are on their way!!!! #teamphin

  3. The phrase "This is fantastic" doesn't seem adequate.

  4. This made my day!!!πŸ˜ƒ We will continue to pray πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™. We love you, Phin! ❤❤❤


Anticipating Spring

S pring is coming--the season of renewal and rebirth, blossoming flowers and trees, greenness springing back into our lawns, just waiting t...